Healing Centered Work
Welcome to the world of Therapeutic Teaching – an innovative approach that empowers educators to support students, not only academically, but also holistically, in terms of their overall health and well-being. In an ever-changing educational landscape, twenty-first-century teachers are increasingly recognized as key influencers in a student’s emotional, social, mental, and psychological development. To meet the challenges of today’s classrooms, I’ve created this comprehensive and practical resource hub, based on my research and practice from over 20 years in the field. What follows through these pages are ideas, resources, and references, for educators, leaders, and caregivers alike, who are seeking to enhance their practice in more therapeutic ways.
Healing can be the heart of our work.
Therapeutic teaching goes beyond traditional pedagogical methods. As a foundation to healthy practice, it involves a holistic approach to acknowledging the diverse needs of students and teachers, striving to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all humans who gather in classrooms. Through an understanding of the complex interplay of emotions, mental health, and academic needs at the root of who we are, teachers can become effective agents of positive change in their students’ lives, through not only what they do, but how they do it. This work translates to many diverse spaces also, through content that helps humans learn valuable, healthy, and transferable communication, conflict management, emotional regulation, and management skills. See the following:
– Calm Classrooms®
– Calm Parenting®
– Calm Workspaces®
– Calm Leaders®
– Calm Coaching®

For a comprehensive analysis of the early stages of therapeutic teaching see Dr. Judy’s PhD dissertation where the 5 M and 4 R themes began as the heart of her human centered pedagogy.
The Human Curriculum Framework: The Heart of the Human Curriculum™

The Human Curriculum is a living curriculum that literally translates to journeying through the course of one’s life. It’s not a race, however, it is a path (i.e., a course), whereby humans reflect, assess, evaluate, plan, and implement actions guided by personal goals and ideals for a well life (thriving, flourishing, and maintaining growth and well-being – including healing where wounds and trauma are at the root). Try the assessments above and see for yourself, where you can start on your own course ~ creating a path to thriving in your own work and life, today.
See a sample of Judy’s research on the topic of thriving through adversity here.
What you will find here . . .
This digital hub offers a wealth of strategies, methods, and practices, which are provided in order to enable teachers to foster a nurturing classroom atmosphere; build strong relationships with students; and equip them with essential life skills. Whether you’re a seasoned educator looking to expand your repertoire or a new teacher eager to develop your skills before burnout yourself, you’ll find valuable insights and practical tools to integrate therapeutic teaching into your classroom.
Join the movement!
Join us on a transformative journey as we explore the principles and techniques of therapeutic teaching, equipping you to empower your students not only to excel academically but also to thrive emotionally, socially, and psychologically. Together, we can create classrooms where students are not just learners but also confident, resilient individuals ready to face life’s challenges with grace and strength.
Note: many resources (research & literature) are used as foundational elements of Dr. Judy’s, The Human Curriculum™, which forms the foundation of Therapeutic Teaching and learning. To access Dr. Judy’s research and work, and others from whom she has learned see the Resources and References page of this site!
Read more on the process of Therapeutic Teaching as an alternative to trauma-informed approaches here!
About Dr. Judy
First and Foremost, Judy is a mother of three, who enjoys time with her blended family of five, as a priority in her life. Time with family and friends is essential to her own well-being. Each of her family members have been among her greatest teachers. As an essential element of therapeutic teaching – Judy believes wholeheartedly – that Humans Help Humans heal.
In her professional life, Dr. Judy (PhD) is a Certified Counsellor and Teacher registered with both the Saskatchewan Professional Teacher’s Regulatory Board, and the Association of Cooperating Counselling Therapists of Canada. As a Registered Counselling Therapist, Judy holds a Master Therapeutic Counselling designation, with a specialization in Educational Psychology and Special Education. Judy continues to pursue many teaching and learning opportunities through continuing education credits and certifications annually; and supporting current and relevant practices that meet the needs of her community is her priority.
Judy has been an educator in Saskatoon for most of the last 25 years. Her experiences range from teaching Pre-Kindergarten to University, and just about every grade in between. In addition, as part of her interdisciplinary practice, she holds many certificates and registrations, and attains on-going credit hours through professional development as both an educator and counselling therapist. Judy is also a professional member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association, and as part of her continued clinical practice in the private and public sector of mental health care and education, she receives many hours of supervision and consultation to support her work annually.
Judy is a lifelong learner who is currently continuing her educational and professional pursuits at the University of Saskatchewan as a Post-Doctoral Fellow, working on an environmental and sustainability project that is investigating how humans can learn, and learn to care, about environmental sustainability and health, through immersive educational experiences at the postsecondary level (Education & History). Judy is also working in the College of Law, as the College’s first ever Well-being Coordinator and Advisor.