*Updated Regularly: Check back often
Images: Some Images on this website are used under license from Shutterstock.com.
All other images are taken by Dr. Judy Jaunzems-Fernuk
Many of the pages within this site reference other works in human psychology, philosophy, and development. In addition, educational and mental health research and literature are used as foundations for much of my professional practice.
Here, you can find original sources and links to relevant research cited throughout this website. If you would like any further information on the art and science of therapeutic teaching and learning, and you can not find what you are looking for here, contact Dr. Judy.
General References
Bee, H (2000). The journey of adulthood. Upper Saddle River. NJ: Prentice Hall.
Bolton, G. (2010). Reflective practice: Writing and professional development. Sage publications.
Mezirow, J (1990). How critical reflection triggers transformative learning. In J. Mezirow (Ed). Fostering Critical Reflection in Adulthood (pp 1-20): Jossey-Bass Publishers.
Mezirow, J (2006). An overview of transformative learning. In P Sutherland and J Crowther (Eds), Lifelong learning: Concepts and contexts (pp 24-38). Routledge
Palmer, P. J. (2008). The heart of a teacher: Identity and integrity in teaching. A Jesuit education reader, 311-331.
White, S., Fook, J., & Gardner, F. (2006). Critical reflection: possibilities for developing effectiveness in conditions of uncertainty. In S. White, J. Fook, & F. Gardner (Eds.), Critical reflection in health and social care. (pp. 228-240). Open University Press.
Winfrey, O., & Perry, B. (2021). What happened to you?: Conversations on trauma, resilience, and healing. Boxtree.
Resources, Literature, & Links
Dr. Judy’s list of recommended books for educators and leaders interested in self-inquiry and the development of therapeutic practice.
Bruce Perry and his Neuro-Sequential Model in Therapeutics AND in Education have served as fundamental aspects of Therapeutic Teaching methods, pedagogy, and practice. Find Dr. Perry and much of this work here.
What Happened to You: Free Book Study.
Dr. Judy’s Publications
Squires, V., Bergen, J., Forrester, S., & Jaunzems Fernuk, J. (2023). I didn’t know that! Learning from colleagues in our SoTL journey. Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. June 13-16, 2023.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. & Kalyn, B. (2018). Calm classrooms: Teacher behaviors that promote healthy calm learning environments. Paper presented at Hawaii International Conference on Education, Oahu Hawaii. Hawaii, U.S.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. Armstrong, I. (2023). Pandemic ‘Thrivers’: Investigating the Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes of Thriving Teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020 – 2022. McDowell Foundation, Project 326.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (2022). Tracking the Mental Well-Being of Pre-Service Teachers in Post-Secondary Health Methods Courses. In K. Enomoto, R. Warner & C. Nygaard (Eds.), Teaching and Learning Innovations in Higher Education. Libri Publishing.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. Martin, S., & Kalyn, B. (2021). Transformative Inquiry Through The Human Curriculum: Practices to Support Thriving 21st Century Educators. In K. Enomoto, R. Warner & C. Nygaard (Eds.), Teaching and Learning Innovations in Higher Education. Libri Publishing.
Kalyn, B., Brenna, B., Jaunzems-Fernuk J. (2021). Teaching Sensitive Health Issues through Fiction and Non-Fiction: Using Literature in Content-Area Teacher Education Coursework. In K. Enomoto, R. Warner & C. Nygaard (Eds.), Teaching and Learning Innovations in Higher Education. Libri Publishing.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. Ayotunde, L. Howie, L. (Under Review, Fall 2023). The Human Curriculum in Law School: Taking the Temperature of the Room’ – Supporting and Tracking the Mental Well-Being of First-Year Law Students. Osgoode Hall Law Journal.
Surtees, D. McCutcheon, J. Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Accepted September 2023). Law Student Wellness at the University of Saskatchewan’s College of Law. Windsor Review of Legal and Social Studies.
CREATIVE OUTPUTS (Therapeutic Teaching & Learning)
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Fall, 2023). The human curriculum, balance, burnout and re-building. Staff Development (First of Three Part Series): Saskatoon Early Childhood Education Demonstration Centre. Saskatoon Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Summer, 2023). The human curriculum, balance, burnout and re-building. Staff Development Day: Wild Spirit Education (Montessori School). Saskatoon Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Summer, 2023). The human curriculum, balance, burnout and re-building. Retreat Day Facilitator: Early Childhood Intervention Programs. Wanuskewin.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Spring, 2023). The human curriculum, balance, burnout and re-building. Keynote: Saskatchewan Federation of Early Learning Director’s Retreat. Dakota Dunes.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Winter, 2023). The human curriculum, emotional regulation, managing conflict, and healthy communication styles. College of Law year 1L Guest Speaker Series. University of Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Winter 2023). The human curriculum part 2. Education Students Society. University of Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Winter 2023). Therapeutic teaching: Mental health and well-being in the classroom. Public Event on Zoom (50 participants).
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Fall, 2022). The human curriculum, balance, and boundaries. College of Law year 1L Guest Speaker Series. University of Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Fall, 2022). The human curriculum, coping with and managing stress. College of Law year 1L Orientation. University of Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Fall, 2022). The human curriculum part 1. Education Students Society. University of Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Fall, 2021). The human curriculum and calm classrooms. Education Students Society. University of Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Spring, 2021). Mental health. Canora Composite School: Parents & Community; Students, Grades 5 – 12. Canora Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Spring, 2021). Mental health: The human curriculum. EDST 213 / EDST 322 Course Presentation. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Spring, 2021). Special Education: An introduction to models for success in schools and classrooms. EDST 213 / EDST 322 Course Presentation. University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Fall, 2020). Mental health and wellbeing: The human curriculum for calm practices for early childhood educators & caregivers. Little Einstein’s Montessori School & Nanny Services. Saskatoon Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Fall, 2020). Mental health and wellbeing: The human curriculum for calm schools and calm classrooms. Principal Short Course and Advanced Learning Series with Dr. Michelle Prytula; Dean, College of Education. University of Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Fall, 2020). The human curriculum: Behavioural management and calm classrooms. Educations Students Society. University of Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Spring, 2020). Meaning, mindset, mental health, mentorship, & management: Thriving in 21st-century classrooms. Educations Students Society. University of Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Summer, 2020). Thriving during difficult times: Covid-19 Response. An online workshop for children & families. Okami Martial Arts Centre. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (Spring, 2020). Calm Parenting: Parents and Families. Martensville Schools and Community Association. Martensville, Saskatchewan.
Jaunzems-Fernuk, J. (2015 – 2017). Calm Classrooms. Saskatoon Public School Division. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.